Web pages supporting
The Duke – Where and When
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Technical details and tips
Adolphus J. Alsbrook
Bubber Miley
Cannes Film Festival 1963
Columbia L.P. Release Dates
Ellington's Marathon 1951-1952 Road Trip
DEMS Bulletins 1979-2012
Duke's Manhattan Residences
Emporia dance, 1940
Fitch Bandwagon radio show 1943
Freddie (Freddy) Jenkins
Harrison G. Smith
Ivie (Ivy) Anderson
Jamaica in 1969
Jimmie Blanton and Junior Raglin
Lincoln Tavern July-August 1931
Liza And Her Shuffling Sextette
Max ("Mack") Shaw
Messin' Around Revue of 1926
Mildred Dixon
My People (1963)
New Desor Correction Sheets
New York Morning Telegraph, c.1923
Old Orchard Beach
Radio logs
Salute to Canada Lee Broadcast 1941
Stanley Slome: HARLEM, Duke and the Classical Connection
Stanley Slome: How Duke Pulled Punches in Autobiography
Stanley Slome: The River
State Dept. cables re 1973 African tour
The Biggest Show of 1951
The Cancelled Little Rock Concert, 1961
The Club Kentucky Revue after Club Kentucky
The Mysterious 1952 Metropolitan Opera House Concert
The Mooche or The Mooch - spelling?
The Other Cotton Club Orchestra
Timon of Athens (1963)
Universal Recording Corporation
Wini Johnson and Wini Brown