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United States Department of State Cables
re Ellington in East Africa, 1973

supplement to
The Duke – Where and When
A Chronicle of Duke Ellington's Working Life and Travels

Since "The Duke - Where and When" is very large, I moved some material to supporting webpages. This one is about Ellington's 1973 tour of East Africa
This webpage was created and is maintained by David Palmquist,
with considerable input from fellow researchers
Created 2014-07-27, Last updated

In late 1973 Ellington and his orchestra made Duke's last European concert tour, but the State Department arranged for them to go to Africa as well.

These U.S. State Department cables about the African leg of the tour are from Wikileaks, which I am uncomfortable visiting.

It looks as if the band flew all night, changing planes in Rome, and arriving in London in the late morning. They then began their tour of England with a Royal Command Variety Performance that day...

Page designed by
David Palmquist
Delta, BC, Canada